Holy Molar - - Part 3
HOLY MOLAR- part 3
School is about to start; haircuts are to be had; school clothes and supplies to be bought; routines to begin once again. The long REALLY HOT summer is supposed to be cooling down. I guess it is. The weatherperson said 100 degree temps over for now and only in 90’s for next two weeks. Micah and Logan have dental appointments. They, previously, were on Medicaid and now we have private dental insurance, so we have to find a new dentist for the little fellas. I heard of a pediatric dentist my co-worker took her son to, and then stories of having to sell your house to pay for her services, so I select another one my dentist’s office refers me to.
We walk into the office and I think, ah oh, we may be in trouble. There are televisions, games, colored walls like rainbows, expensive everything around the room, plants, movies, you name it they have it. It’s a kid haven! Micah and Logan are so busy looking around at everything, even televisions in the ceiling while they are being examined that they don’t know this is a place that drills for gold! RUN, SANDY, RUN!
I complete the paperwork, my bladder is starting to bulge, and my pocketbook is starting to heat up. I’m getting scared and they are not working on me. I’m thinking of the money tree that dried up in the back yard with the work on my molar and wondering what this is going to cost me. I then calm myself because I can feel a stroke coming on, blood pressure is on the rise, but then again, this is only for cleanings. How much could two routine cleanings cost - - you know--a routine visit for “baby teeth”.
The nice lady comes to the door and chimes “Logan and Micah” we (like sheep) follow her down the hall. There next to our nice chairs is a computer (to tally up the bill) a television for the patient to watch while sitting up and one in the ceiling while they are getting their little baby teeth cleaned. We are directed to sit down and watch a film about two darling little dogs going to the dentist, explaining every step of the way for cleaning and what each instrument is for. Looks like fun, but remember, I’ve just been drilled for gold? I, in my recent encounter, am thinking this must be the way the devils office would be - - a nice chair, soft music that lulls you to sleep, then the bill! Dentists do charge the hell out of you for services! Both boys do well through the cleaning as they watch television in the ceiling. .
They are given little “gift” bags of fluoride, toothbrush, floss, and toothpaste. Then Micah is led into another room for panoramic x-rays. I think of Niagara Falls when I think panoramic. This is mine, Chick and the boys’ vacation! It was sort of the same when I got the news he had 3 cavities in his baby teeth and it would cost a few dollars less than $1,000 to get them taken care of. They want to do a new procedure I had never heard of called a pulpmotomy or something of that sort. A what! After all (says the greedy dentist) the molar should last Micah until he is 10 years old or 11 and this is the way we need to go to keep this tooth. Today’s bill for cleaning these little bitty baby teeth is $600. GIVE ME THE NOVACAINE PLEASE, NOW, AND MAKE IT A DOUBLE!!!!!
School is about to start; haircuts are to be had; school clothes and supplies to be bought; routines to begin once again. The long REALLY HOT summer is supposed to be cooling down. I guess it is. The weatherperson said 100 degree temps over for now and only in 90’s for next two weeks. Micah and Logan have dental appointments. They, previously, were on Medicaid and now we have private dental insurance, so we have to find a new dentist for the little fellas. I heard of a pediatric dentist my co-worker took her son to, and then stories of having to sell your house to pay for her services, so I select another one my dentist’s office refers me to.
We walk into the office and I think, ah oh, we may be in trouble. There are televisions, games, colored walls like rainbows, expensive everything around the room, plants, movies, you name it they have it. It’s a kid haven! Micah and Logan are so busy looking around at everything, even televisions in the ceiling while they are being examined that they don’t know this is a place that drills for gold! RUN, SANDY, RUN!
I complete the paperwork, my bladder is starting to bulge, and my pocketbook is starting to heat up. I’m getting scared and they are not working on me. I’m thinking of the money tree that dried up in the back yard with the work on my molar and wondering what this is going to cost me. I then calm myself because I can feel a stroke coming on, blood pressure is on the rise, but then again, this is only for cleanings. How much could two routine cleanings cost - - you know--a routine visit for “baby teeth”.
The nice lady comes to the door and chimes “Logan and Micah” we (like sheep) follow her down the hall. There next to our nice chairs is a computer (to tally up the bill) a television for the patient to watch while sitting up and one in the ceiling while they are getting their little baby teeth cleaned. We are directed to sit down and watch a film about two darling little dogs going to the dentist, explaining every step of the way for cleaning and what each instrument is for. Looks like fun, but remember, I’ve just been drilled for gold? I, in my recent encounter, am thinking this must be the way the devils office would be - - a nice chair, soft music that lulls you to sleep, then the bill! Dentists do charge the hell out of you for services! Both boys do well through the cleaning as they watch television in the ceiling. .
They are given little “gift” bags of fluoride, toothbrush, floss, and toothpaste. Then Micah is led into another room for panoramic x-rays. I think of Niagara Falls when I think panoramic. This is mine, Chick and the boys’ vacation! It was sort of the same when I got the news he had 3 cavities in his baby teeth and it would cost a few dollars less than $1,000 to get them taken care of. They want to do a new procedure I had never heard of called a pulpmotomy or something of that sort. A what! After all (says the greedy dentist) the molar should last Micah until he is 10 years old or 11 and this is the way we need to go to keep this tooth. Today’s bill for cleaning these little bitty baby teeth is $600. GIVE ME THE NOVACAINE PLEASE, NOW, AND MAKE IT A DOUBLE!!!!!
Good lord. And that is with insurance?
ChadDunk, at 5:10 AM
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