
Wednesday, May 24, 2006


How much more exciting can retirement get? I don’t know because I think if I go back to work the chaos will end and what fun would that be?

About 2 weeks ago, I noticed my clothes dryer was making a bong, bong, bong, noise. I stopped the cycle and shifted the load, bongedy, bongedy, bongedy the sound went instead of bong, bong, bong. Well, it still dried the clothes so I learned to live with the noise. This Monday the sound stopped - - easy listening once again. I thought, “Could it be it fixed itself”? How nice! Lady Luck was smiling on me! Yeah, right. While loading some more clothes in the washer I brushed up against the dryer and it felt like a hot steam iron, so it scared me and I switched it off and unplugged it. However, the clothes were dry and I hung them up and decided perhaps the dryer just needed to cool off from the drying cycle.

Welllllllllllllllll, today I got up, bathed myself and Logan and dressed him. I decided I wanted to wear a pair of pants that were wrinkled and just needed a couple of turns in the dryer! Did I say the dryer? I meant the fire ball. I threw my pants in the dryer and immediately the smell of smoke came drifting into the kitchen were I was having my final cup of morning java. Logan came running through the house, “I smell smoke Memaw”. Dark smoke was billowing out of the laundry room. I ran to the dryer and pulled the plug out of the wall, pulled my wrinkled pants out of the dryer, left the dryer door open and ran for a spray bottle. The only spray bottle I owned was full of Windex. I then grabbed the 21 year old fire extinguisher and read (rather quickly) the instructions for activation. I opened the dryer and there was a fire glow on the dryer drum (coming from deep in the inner workings), smoke was billowing out, the dog was barking, the smoke detectors were detecting, Logan was asking a bazillion questions and I was pulling the lever and spraying the inside of the dryer and inside the filter trap. More smoke billowed out and it was getting choky so I called 911, took Logan out to the van, put the dog on the outside cable and we waited. My neighbor Benny came riding up on his Harley, because Lois (my good neighbor) called him to come over and check on us. He took Logan and carried him around while I took the firemen inside. The police arrived first and then the ambulance. No one was hurt other than my feelings. They had the guy with the heat sensor camera come. He was walking around checking for fire in the walls. The dog was barking. Logan was asking questions, “Are these all good citizens Memaw” and we were about to be late for Micah’s 1st grade awards presentations.

I combed my hair, put on a skirt, combed Logan’s hair, brought the dog in, thanked the neighbor and the “good citizens” and off we drove to the awards. We made it, and on time! Little Micah had no idea what all we did to make this happen, but when he walked in he started looking everywhere to see if anyone showed up for him. And there we were waving at him from the back of the auditorium and him waving back. My heart felt good! Just another Madcap day in the life of retirement! Gee, I’m glad I could be there to see that smile of joy on his face as he waved and waved and waved with a big old happy smile on his face. God, how I love those little boys! The new dryer will arrive on Friday!


  • All that drama just to get yourself a new dryer huh? LOL! I laughed until I cried about Logan running around asking if those were good citizens!

    Wish I could've been there for all the excitement:)

    You may not know it, but you are Wonder Woman in disguise. You have a fire in your dryer, you stay calm, cool and what needs to be done, yet STILL make it to see Sweet Micah's awards ceremony. You're a great Mom and Memaw:)

    By Blogger Angie, at 11:42 AM  

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