
Thursday, June 15, 2006

Templin Reunion '06

I noticed at the Templin Reunion we didn't have very many meaningful conversations because we were all so busy trying to keep an eye on the kids in the pool and make the rounds to say "Hidy Do" to everyone there. Now I need to really visit with them. I reflect on what I learned about each individual when I returned home and the most remarkable thing I remember is Chick's brother-in-law who is nearing 90 telling me "Hidy Do" and then I asked how he was and he said, "Pretty good". The most recent doctor's visit he was told to bring all his medications and when he presented his medication to the nurse, she looked at him as though he were a feeble old codger and said, "Mr. Jenkins, you were supposed to bring all of your medications with you". "I did", he said. He had one bottle of baby aspirin with him because he takes a baby aspirin once a day. Wouldn't that be great! And... here's the real interesting fact - - he smokes like a chimney and has for years. I think the cigarettes will get him and he won't live to be an old man - - what do you think?


  • Hmmm..maybe I should start smoking again? LOL!

    By Blogger Angie, at 8:34 AM  

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