
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Shave and a haircut - - 6 bits!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Logan decided to change careers today. He is no longer a toolman/carpenter. Oh no, he's moved on to becoming a barber and hairstylist.

Today when I arrived home from work after picking up Micah at his tutoring class, there sat Pawpaw in his favorite old dirty recliner watching television. I asked Pawpaw, "Where's Logan"? He said, "Logan is in the bedroom watching cartoons". I hollered for Logan to come see me and he came whipping around the corner with his big old toothy smile, "It's Memaw!" he shouted. He was about 6 feet from me and after he had greeted me properly he returned to the bedroom as quick as he came to continue watching the next Ninja Turtle kick. I thought to myself, "Gee, I didn't realize Logan's hair was that thin", and went on back to opening the mail.

Logan came back in once the Ninjas were off the air. I asked him to come and give me some sugar (a kiss). He ran to me, puckering his lips and planted one on me you could hear for a country mile; then backed up to turn around and go back for another round of cartoons. That's when I got a good look at his hair. In the very front there was a tennis ball size bald spot!

I asked him what happened to his head and he shrugged his shoulders and said "Nothing"! I pulled him to me and really looked this time and the hair was shaved all the way to the scalp. I kept questioning him. Then I questioned Pawpaw who replied, "Well he did have shaving cream all over the bathroom today and has been asking me to take him to Cool Cuts for Kids". In further investigation we found a pair of little scissors with the rest of Logan's hair on it - - in the bathroom. This little fella has created a new look! It's called the ringworm look!!!!!

While Pawpaw watched Judge Judy, Logan was in training to become a barber. Pawpaw looked a little sheepish and said, "Well, have you ever known a child yet that hasn't cut his or her hair at some time in their lives"? And just think, last week we paid $13.50 for him a haircut at Cool Cuts for Kids when we could have waited and saved our money.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Big Boy Day - - I think not!

We woke up this morning and Pawpaw and Micah left for breakfast because Logan was still fast asleep. Logan woke up and looked at me with these words, "Wheresa-my-pawpaw"? I told him, "Pawpaw and Micah had something to do, but you and I can make some coffee and go on the porch and watch the morning unfold". That seemed satisfying to Logan, so that's what we did.

We watched the woodpecker as he tapped away on the tree then decided to come down and pick a pecan up in his beak for his breakfast treat. He flew back up into the tree with his tasty delight and began to tap tap tap away on the tree branch, cracking the pecan successfully for his morning treat. This got the day going - - no roosters crowing this morning. Mr. Woodpecker was first. The cicadas decided this was the time to began their summer chant, then the mockingbird chimed in as though he had to have his say as well. This brought out the crows - - caw, caw, cawing to one another. Good morning Miss Crow, how are you today? Found any good worms yet? Why yes Mr. Crow, come on over to the Templin's, they never mow their yard and the ground is cracked open so no problem!

Soon it was beginning to get a little hot for grandma so back into the house we went. Logan said he needed a diaper change and I said, "Well I think this is the day to become a Big Boy now and wear Big Boy underwear". He agreed and smiled his big old toothy smile as he headed for the chest of drawers for a pair of Big Boy underwear. I told him he's nearly 3 years old now and really too big for diapers so this would be a great day in his life that he would become a Big Boy. He sat down and put the pants on backwards. I showed him how the label goes in the back so 30 minutes later he had them on strutting around showing off Spongebob square pants.

We then went to the bathroom and I showed him how he would use the bathroom (he's done it before with coaching). He giggled at me and said, "Okay Memaw, today I will wear my Big Boy pants" and off he went to play. No more than 2 minutes later here he came holding a damp pair of Sponge Bob Square Pants underwear. Today was not the Big Boy beginning. Well, there is always tomorrow as Scarlet and Sponge Bob says.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Little Red and Black Plaid Shirt

There must have been some magic in that little red and black plaid shirt someone gave to Micah because he became a cowboy or a deer hunter when he wore it.

I dressed him on Monday in his summer shorts and tee shirt that hot summer Monday in July. By the time I came home from work he was dressed in denim jeans and his long sleeved red and black flannel shirt. Around his waist was a belt with two holsters filled with cap gun pistols to use on the bad guys. He had on his black leather cowboy boots and black cowboy hat. He swung up on his spring horse and went galloping through the imaginary hills in a wild chase after the enemy. He shot over and over into the distance and I believe he got his bad guy because he climbed down off his horse and blew the smoke from the gun, and moved on to the bedroom to watch cartoons.

Tuesday came, I left for work, and when I arrived home in the evening Micah had on his little red and black plaid shirt once again with the same denim jeans and cowboy boots. He had his belt, guns and holster around his waist and was shooting birds in the trees and bears in the woods. I told him it was time to take off the hot, winter clothes and get a bath, put on fresh pajamas for bed. Logan, his little brother, was apparently tired of seeing Micah in his winter clothes as well, because in a wrestling match he had torn the top two buttons from the shirt. Micah gave me the buttons he had rescued so they could be sewn back onto his, now favorite shirt!

Wednesday came and went and my work day was over. I knew Micah had gone to his tutoring class earlier in the day and noticed he still had on the same clothes he had worn all the previous days of the week. I asked Micah if he had worn that outfit to tutoring class and he replied, "Well yes, it is my favorite shirt you know"? I was embarrassed. He looked like an orphan with the buttons now gone from his shirt and 3 days dirty. My husband, dear old Pawpaw, couldn't see there was a problem with this since he allowed him to wear the shirt. He thought if Micah was comfortable in that shirt he should wear it 365 days of the year if he wanted too.

Micah interrupted with, "Memaw, may I go outside"? I said put on your summer clothes and I won't see a problem with it, but he countered with,
"A deer hunter can't hunt deer in shorts"!!!! Off he went into the woods once again with the plastic rifle slung over his shoulder and Logan tagging right along behind him to bag the deer. It must have been 99 degrees in the shade, but Micah didn't even break a sweat in his red and black flannel shirt. He was probably in the wild Dakotas slogging through the snow while I was in Texas suffering from the heat in an air conditioned house. Yes, there must be magic in that shirt. Wish they had one in my size.


I woke up this morning and started the coffee brewing like every other day of my life, then woke the boys for breakfast. I started my day of preparing for work and was in the bathroom getting ready when I heard Micah running to me. He was watching television, the morning news, and they have a spot on there for adopting animals from the shelters. Micah was excited and nearly panting, "Memaw, Memaw, come look, you've got to get me that dog". There was a dog showcased from the local Dallas pound. I didn't make it on time to see it before they had moved on to the weather. I asked Micah what the dog looked like and did it have a name. He didn't get the name, but said I had to go to the pound and get him that dog!

I thought about that dog all day, but finally decided it was not a good time for us to have a dog right now. We, as a family, had enough on our plates and and added responsibility wasn't a good idea, so I promptly dismissed the whole thing and shifted the guilt away.

When I drove up the driveway that evening there sat Micah, Pawpaw and Logan with a dog. They were all excited, even the dog. The dog was licking them and squirming all over the place. He was giving those boys his full attention and showering his puppy love all over them. All eight eyes looked expectantly at me. Micah said, "We've named him rags because his ears look like rags, can we keep him Memaw"? Logan was petting the dog and smiling his little elfish smile at me.

The dog was a full blood bassett hound with paws as big as my fists, floppy ears that dragged the ground and the color of warm chocolate, so cute, and I swear he was smiling! They found him walking up our driveway when they arrived home after picking Micah up from class. I kept looking at that dog and thinking $$$$$ signs; shots, getting him fixed, fence, food, training, fleas and then I looked again at the happy faces and decided to go in and look up crate training on the Internet.

There I found it! A whole book about crate training. I printed it out and used up 1/2 a cartridge of ink, but it was interesting and looked like it could work. The boys came in to see what I was doing and Pawpaw too. I said okay, we have to find a crate tonight! We left the dog on his own too long (about 5 minutes) and when we went out to get him he was gone - - disappeared. I called, "Rags, rags--come rags". I whistled - - no response. Pawpaw put the boys in the truck and drove around the neighborhood, but alas no dog! I explained to the boys that perhaps Rags had another little boy somewhere and he had gone home, and if not he would probably come back to us since he got such a warm reception at our home.

The dog never came back, but at least the boys did have a dog for a day!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Goodbye Sweet Grant!

Yesterday we said goodbye to a sweet person with laughing eyes and a generous smile. He was a knight in shining armor coming to our rescue. His life was short lived because the demons whispered in his ear and alone he cried out and took his life.

Yesterday at the funeral the pastor told all of us two 2 fiery darts from Satan would be coming at us and they are: "if only" and "What if? and he is right. I wonder and wish and ponder...if only I had called when I felt the prompting to call, and what if his life had been at a different level in his love of Christ, if only...

We'll miss you Grant and know that God is taking care of your fear, your tears, your sadness, and loving you like you've never been loved, but you left a gap here that will never be filled with anyone else like you. Thank you for the short time we had with you and the love you gave during that time.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Typos drive me NUTS

When I look back at my written word and see all the typos I go crazy! I haven't figured out how to edit though I've tried to find it on the blog directions so I can change the boo boos I have written on my previous blogs. Where is the proof reader when I need her/him?

I will try to quit typing so fast and pay attention to what I'm writing, but then it seems the spontaneity is gone. Aha, I see we now have a spell check which is handy when no dictionary is around. I even like it when the spell check automatically spells the words correctly for me. I used to be a great speller, but my brain has gelled as time creeps into the cracks and crevices of my brain. Thanks for the spell checker to whomever thought this great device up. Wish it had been me, then I would no longer be searching for my own great invention or the LOTTERY to supplement my life.

Ain't modern technology grand! I love the sounds of the washing machine, the dryer, the dishwasher, the groaning of the hot water heater, but Television I could do without. It takes away from all the quality time we use to have with real people...

Sunday, July 03, 2005

There is no place like home!

Have you ever had the pleasure of traveling with a 2 year old and a 5 year old boy in 101 temperatures on a July 4th weekend?

If you haven't experienced it, then my advice is don't!! We traveled to Waco and spent the night in a hotel. We planned to rest in the hotel. NOT! No preparing to put your feet up first. Instead it was unpack the bags, lock up the room and find someplace to eat and buy a Lottery ticket. We ate at the Cracker Barrel, and of course if you've ever been to a Cracker Barrel restaurant you know there are things to buy there. The boys picked up everything they could get their hands on and spoke to everyone there. They thought it was a party thrown just for them. We ordered food and one ate and the other yucked over everything on the menu except sugar. When we left we not only left a tip, paid for 1/2 eaten food, but we also purchased 2 Wheelos. Back at the hotel - - tried to get the boys interested in the Wheelos but that didn't last over 3 minutes. I know, I timed it. Then we had to go to the swimming pool and sit in the steamed up heated pool while one jumped in with his life jacket on and dog paddled all over the place and the other sat on the steps and giggled the entire time in his life jacket. Finally 10 toes went into the water, but that's all. He came back dry. Then we had to experience every television channel on Cable before we ended up on cartoons till the precious little ones slipped off to sleep.

Morning came much too fast, the trip ended much too slow because we still had miles to go to get home and the boys didn't have enough space between them to keep them from hitting one another and screaming at each other all the way through the Dallas traffic. We begged, pleaded, threatened and they finally got quiet as we were driving up the drive to the house. Dorothy, you were right - - there is no place like home!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Time slips away!

Isn't it funny how time seems to slip away? I woke up this morning and it was July 1, 2005. Where did January, February, March, April, May and June go? Last month was our 43rd anniversary and we said, "Happy Anniversary". In May, Mother's Day came and went with no celebrations, Father's Day came and went, birthdays of my neices flew by, my birthday and my husband's birthday came and went. My great grandson became one year old. When I was young days were long and went on forever. Older people always said as you get older the days will fly by and you'll wonder where they went. Now I know what they mean! It's after 5 p.m. and July 1, 2005 will never be here again...