A Christmas Surprise-2009
Two sisters felt defeated, beaten down; couldn’t pull up the Christmas Spirit no matter how hard they tried. It was a clear, beautiful day filled with sunshine, but a cloud hung over the sisters hearts as they desperately tried to revive the spirit of Christmas from long ago before their family fell apart.
The evening of the day was drawing near, when they decided to pull over at a little community lake and just lay back in the van to feel the days last rays of sunlight on their faces hoping for some solace on their souls. Joggers’ braved the cold of that December day, running with the ear buds of their IPOD’s in their ears, only seeing what was in front of them to accomplish their weary, daily tasks. No one seemed to notice the two sisters sitting in the van wishing for a miracle to lift them out of their funk.
The golden and red leaves of yesterday’s trees, which only a month ago surrounded the lake were now gone, the day seemed starkly wintry and cold. The sisters sat in silence and rested not speaking; suddenly out of the corner of their eyes they both caught some motion which started at the West end of the lake. They stared in that direction - watching, waiting, and wondering. What was it?
It was birds! Nothing unusual at the lake, however these birds were paddling up the lake, closer, and closer to the van when suddenly they started spreading their wings. These were not the typical ducks in the lake, these were majestic geese,rising, lifting,and honking as they passed by the two sisters in the van. The geese dappled the sparkling water with the tips of their wings, dipping from side to side in unison, as they glided directly in front of the vehicle, rising in a perfectly formed V. The sisters felt such wonder as they watched the geese until they were out of sight.
Sadness fell like a stone from their shoulders. Through nature God had given the message to two sisters to rise up from this gloom and lift off. An unexpected gift had been given to them as joy welled up in their hearts.
The evening of the day was drawing near, when they decided to pull over at a little community lake and just lay back in the van to feel the days last rays of sunlight on their faces hoping for some solace on their souls. Joggers’ braved the cold of that December day, running with the ear buds of their IPOD’s in their ears, only seeing what was in front of them to accomplish their weary, daily tasks. No one seemed to notice the two sisters sitting in the van wishing for a miracle to lift them out of their funk.
The golden and red leaves of yesterday’s trees, which only a month ago surrounded the lake were now gone, the day seemed starkly wintry and cold. The sisters sat in silence and rested not speaking; suddenly out of the corner of their eyes they both caught some motion which started at the West end of the lake. They stared in that direction - watching, waiting, and wondering. What was it?
It was birds! Nothing unusual at the lake, however these birds were paddling up the lake, closer, and closer to the van when suddenly they started spreading their wings. These were not the typical ducks in the lake, these were majestic geese,rising, lifting,and honking as they passed by the two sisters in the van. The geese dappled the sparkling water with the tips of their wings, dipping from side to side in unison, as they glided directly in front of the vehicle, rising in a perfectly formed V. The sisters felt such wonder as they watched the geese until they were out of sight.
Sadness fell like a stone from their shoulders. Through nature God had given the message to two sisters to rise up from this gloom and lift off. An unexpected gift had been given to them as joy welled up in their hearts.
Wow Sandy,
You and Linda now both retired!!! You luck girls. Now when are we all hooking up for some vittles?
Microtex1, at 9:14 AM
Very uplifting story. You should submit that one to Chicken Soup for the Soul.
Angie, at 9:20 AM
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