The Little Red and Black Plaid Shirt
There must have been some magic in that little red and black plaid shirt someone gave to Micah because he became a cowboy or a deer hunter when he wore it.
I dressed him on Monday in his summer shorts and tee shirt that hot summer Monday in July. By the time I came home from work he was dressed in denim jeans and his long sleeved red and black flannel shirt. Around his waist was a belt with two holsters filled with cap gun pistols to use on the bad guys. He had on his black leather cowboy boots and black cowboy hat. He swung up on his spring horse and went galloping through the imaginary hills in a wild chase after the enemy. He shot over and over into the distance and I believe he got his bad guy because he climbed down off his horse and blew the smoke from the gun, and moved on to the bedroom to watch cartoons.
Tuesday came, I left for work, and when I arrived home in the evening Micah had on his little red and black plaid shirt once again with the same denim jeans and cowboy boots. He had his belt, guns and holster around his waist and was shooting birds in the trees and bears in the woods. I told him it was time to take off the hot, winter clothes and get a bath, put on fresh pajamas for bed. Logan, his little brother, was apparently tired of seeing Micah in his winter clothes as well, because in a wrestling match he had torn the top two buttons from the shirt. Micah gave me the buttons he had rescued so they could be sewn back onto his, now favorite shirt!
Wednesday came and went and my work day was over. I knew Micah had gone to his tutoring class earlier in the day and noticed he still had on the same clothes he had worn all the previous days of the week. I asked Micah if he had worn that outfit to tutoring class and he replied, "Well yes, it is my favorite shirt you know"? I was embarrassed. He looked like an orphan with the buttons now gone from his shirt and 3 days dirty. My husband, dear old Pawpaw, couldn't see there was a problem with this since he allowed him to wear the shirt. He thought if Micah was comfortable in that shirt he should wear it 365 days of the year if he wanted too.
Micah interrupted with, "Memaw, may I go outside"? I said put on your summer clothes and I won't see a problem with it, but he countered with,
"A deer hunter can't hunt deer in shorts"!!!! Off he went into the woods once again with the plastic rifle slung over his shoulder and Logan tagging right along behind him to bag the deer. It must have been 99 degrees in the shade, but Micah didn't even break a sweat in his red and black flannel shirt. He was probably in the wild Dakotas slogging through the snow while I was in Texas suffering from the heat in an air conditioned house. Yes, there must be magic in that shirt. Wish they had one in my size.
I dressed him on Monday in his summer shorts and tee shirt that hot summer Monday in July. By the time I came home from work he was dressed in denim jeans and his long sleeved red and black flannel shirt. Around his waist was a belt with two holsters filled with cap gun pistols to use on the bad guys. He had on his black leather cowboy boots and black cowboy hat. He swung up on his spring horse and went galloping through the imaginary hills in a wild chase after the enemy. He shot over and over into the distance and I believe he got his bad guy because he climbed down off his horse and blew the smoke from the gun, and moved on to the bedroom to watch cartoons.
Tuesday came, I left for work, and when I arrived home in the evening Micah had on his little red and black plaid shirt once again with the same denim jeans and cowboy boots. He had his belt, guns and holster around his waist and was shooting birds in the trees and bears in the woods. I told him it was time to take off the hot, winter clothes and get a bath, put on fresh pajamas for bed. Logan, his little brother, was apparently tired of seeing Micah in his winter clothes as well, because in a wrestling match he had torn the top two buttons from the shirt. Micah gave me the buttons he had rescued so they could be sewn back onto his, now favorite shirt!
Wednesday came and went and my work day was over. I knew Micah had gone to his tutoring class earlier in the day and noticed he still had on the same clothes he had worn all the previous days of the week. I asked Micah if he had worn that outfit to tutoring class and he replied, "Well yes, it is my favorite shirt you know"? I was embarrassed. He looked like an orphan with the buttons now gone from his shirt and 3 days dirty. My husband, dear old Pawpaw, couldn't see there was a problem with this since he allowed him to wear the shirt. He thought if Micah was comfortable in that shirt he should wear it 365 days of the year if he wanted too.
Micah interrupted with, "Memaw, may I go outside"? I said put on your summer clothes and I won't see a problem with it, but he countered with,
"A deer hunter can't hunt deer in shorts"!!!! Off he went into the woods once again with the plastic rifle slung over his shoulder and Logan tagging right along behind him to bag the deer. It must have been 99 degrees in the shade, but Micah didn't even break a sweat in his red and black flannel shirt. He was probably in the wild Dakotas slogging through the snow while I was in Texas suffering from the heat in an air conditioned house. Yes, there must be magic in that shirt. Wish they had one in my size.
Wish they had one in my size too! Look at Omar's Tent company and see if you can find us one, so we can go riding off into the sunset with cowboy Micah...
Angie, at 10:12 PM
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