The Tooth Fairy Cometh
Micah’s Tooth Fairy
Micah came running up to Pawpaw and Logan when they went to the cafeteria to pick him up from school. His little face glowed with excitement. He was carrying a plastic bag with something in it. “Pawpaw, pawpaw, look!” “My tooth fell out today and the teacher put it in this bag!” He was grinning from ear to ear and one space missing on the bottom where his tooth had once filled the gap. What a picture!
All evening he waited until Memaw arrived home from work and then it started again. “Memaw, memaw, look!” “My tooth came out at school when I was eating my peanut butter sandwich!” We gave the proper, “Oh, how great - - now you can put it under your pillow for the Tooth Fairy!” “Did it hurt?” “Did your mouth bleed?” Little Logan was standing around looking like he was wondering “What’s all the fuss about?”
…bedtime came! Micah put the tooth under his pillow in anticipation of the tooth fairy. We turned out the lights and went to bed. Click! The light came on in my bedroom. Micah appears over my face. “Memaw, the boy at school who just lost his tooth” Memaw, “Uh huh” “Well, he said his tooth came out and he put it under his pillow for the tooth fairy, but he didn’t say anything about a bag!” Memaw, “Huh?” Micah: “Well, you see, Pawpaw won’t let me take it out of the bag the teacher put my tooth in because he says the tooth fairy won’t be able to find it and every time I move my pillow the bag crunches and crinkles and keeps me awake.” Memaw, “Go back to bed Micah and don’t move your pillow, Pawpaw is right.”
…morning came. Memaw was up first and worried about whether the tooth fairy came, so she slipped 2 dollars under Micah’s pillow, but can’t find the bag, figures it must have slipped out, but she would tell Micah she wrote a special note to the tooth fairy to leave it because Memaw wants it for his baby book – you know first tooth and all! About an hour later Pawpaw wakes Micah and asks him if the tooth fairy came. Micah wipes sleep from his eyes, and grabs his pillow up and there it is - - a 5 dollar bill and 2 ones. The tooth fairy had arrived twice!
Micah was pulling on his other loose tooth trying to get it out when I left for work. He said, “If I can get this one out I’ll have $14.00. I said, “Yeah, keep this up and you can buy a pair of jeans soon.” What a look! Logan was working on his teeth as well because he wanted the magical experience of the tooth fairy visit too!
Thank you God for these wonderful moments with Micah and Logan even though I’m all tired out at the end of the day it’s stories like these that keep fuel for the home fires burning and the one foot in front of the other walking.
Micah came running up to Pawpaw and Logan when they went to the cafeteria to pick him up from school. His little face glowed with excitement. He was carrying a plastic bag with something in it. “Pawpaw, pawpaw, look!” “My tooth fell out today and the teacher put it in this bag!” He was grinning from ear to ear and one space missing on the bottom where his tooth had once filled the gap. What a picture!
All evening he waited until Memaw arrived home from work and then it started again. “Memaw, memaw, look!” “My tooth came out at school when I was eating my peanut butter sandwich!” We gave the proper, “Oh, how great - - now you can put it under your pillow for the Tooth Fairy!” “Did it hurt?” “Did your mouth bleed?” Little Logan was standing around looking like he was wondering “What’s all the fuss about?”
…bedtime came! Micah put the tooth under his pillow in anticipation of the tooth fairy. We turned out the lights and went to bed. Click! The light came on in my bedroom. Micah appears over my face. “Memaw, the boy at school who just lost his tooth” Memaw, “Uh huh” “Well, he said his tooth came out and he put it under his pillow for the tooth fairy, but he didn’t say anything about a bag!” Memaw, “Huh?” Micah: “Well, you see, Pawpaw won’t let me take it out of the bag the teacher put my tooth in because he says the tooth fairy won’t be able to find it and every time I move my pillow the bag crunches and crinkles and keeps me awake.” Memaw, “Go back to bed Micah and don’t move your pillow, Pawpaw is right.”
…morning came. Memaw was up first and worried about whether the tooth fairy came, so she slipped 2 dollars under Micah’s pillow, but can’t find the bag, figures it must have slipped out, but she would tell Micah she wrote a special note to the tooth fairy to leave it because Memaw wants it for his baby book – you know first tooth and all! About an hour later Pawpaw wakes Micah and asks him if the tooth fairy came. Micah wipes sleep from his eyes, and grabs his pillow up and there it is - - a 5 dollar bill and 2 ones. The tooth fairy had arrived twice!
Micah was pulling on his other loose tooth trying to get it out when I left for work. He said, “If I can get this one out I’ll have $14.00. I said, “Yeah, keep this up and you can buy a pair of jeans soon.” What a look! Logan was working on his teeth as well because he wanted the magical experience of the tooth fairy visit too!
Thank you God for these wonderful moments with Micah and Logan even though I’m all tired out at the end of the day it’s stories like these that keep fuel for the home fires burning and the one foot in front of the other walking.
Hey, the tooth fairy never gave ME that much, LOL! I'm jealous!
Hope you got a picture of Micah with the missing tooth grin:)
Angie, at 10:03 PM
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