A Mellow Hour with Mom
I went by for a short visit today with mom and dad and to bring banana bread to them. Mom was sitting in the living room watching television; dad and Wes had gone to take dad for his weekly iron infusion which lasts about 4 hours. Mom enjoyed a slice of the bread saying, “These pecans are good.”
After we put some clothes in to wash; we meandered out to the back porch. Mom wanted me to look at spring breaking forth – her daffodils were in bloom; the second sign of spring. The first sign was before the last snow we had when hundreds of Robins came for a visit. We walked out to her flower garden and sure enough, the yellow heads of spring were above the ground with their faces towards the sun.
I walked to the van and got my camera out. “Mom, let me take your picture with your daffodils.” She (like always) grabbed for her hair and said she didn’t look good enough for a picture because of her hair. I said, “Mom, your hair has always been your excuse for no pictures, no company and staying in the house”. I told her I would have inscribed on her tombstone, “I went to the grave with dirty hair, but I have a clean, shining soul, and that is what counts in the end.” So here is my beautiful mom with her beautiful caring ways she has always been our leaning post in this family. Now she needs to lean more on her children.
As we walked in the house, we both smelled something powerful. I said, “Cat shit!” We both had it all over the soles of our shoes. Now we had created another job for us to do. The cats had enjoyed the garden too.
Yes, my Grandma will always be beautiful, dirty hair or not. I miss spending time in the garden and yard with her.
Cat shit..that's funny! She always used to gripe about stepping in it from my cats...now it's her own cats shitting on her garden...LOL..
Angie, at 8:16 AM
It is funny about the hair thing and there was a a time when I would talk in the house and she would say, "oh shit wait a minute I need to put my partial in!" Just the sweetest woman the world could have aked for. Never thought of herself in all the decades I knew her as my one and only grandma. I use to throw fits at daycares because I didnt want to be there - I wanted to be with my grandma! Just dont tell mom I was faking some of those illnessses. The tonsilitis was real though!
CDUNK, at 2:11 PM
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