Angels All Around Us
There was a terrible crash on a day in July 2002 that nearly took the life of our little 2 year old, blonde, curly haired grandson. We played with him that morning and fed him his oatmeal while he made a happy bowl (empty bowl) and then let him go to his great grandmothers house while Chick ran his mail route. I went to work and everything was status quo that morning.
I was in a meeting when Margaret came and told me I had an emergency phone call. I imagined it was something to do with Chick because of his ill health. I walked briskly to the telephone and heard, "I have some bad news for you". My ears strained to hear the news, my eyes blurred out of focus, and my heart beat like a hummingbirds wings. My mind was screaming, "Get it out". Chick said Micah and Holly had been in a bad car wreck and Micah was being rushed to Children's hospital. He was calm as he told me but his voice broke when he said the extent of Micah's injuries were not known. His head was stapled on the side and the back and he possibly had a broken neck or back, and some internal injuries. I heard myself say, "I'll be right there". Margaret had my purse ready for me and I grabbed it and rushed out to the parking lot on trembling, weak knees that I hoped would carry me to the car. Margaret had offered to drive me to the hospital but I wanted to be alone with my thoughts and prayers as I sped towards the hospital in Allen, Texas. It was raining. I drove down central expressway with my windshield wipers methodically sweeping away the huge raindrops that splattered the windshield as I prayed for God to protect my little one and my daughter whom I knew was under the influence of pain pills or some type of drug.
She had been driving to the hospital to get some pain pills instead of going to her meeting with the pastor for counseling. She talked my mom into letting her take Micah with her because he wanted to be with his mommy. On their way a big SUV drove right into the side where Micah sat in his carseat slinging him out of the seat onto something, either a stroller that was in the floor or something else. We heard he was thrown from the car, but the story was never straight. The glass shattered all over his little body and he was covered in it. Out of the blue someone appeared and scooped Micah up running with him to the Emergency Room of the Presbyterian Hospital where our daughter had been heading for her own needs.
We were grateful to this person. Later I asked the girl at the desk in the ER if she knew who it was so we could offer our thanks to him and she said, "No, he ran into the hospital ER and handed Micah to the medical crew and left never giving his name. No one seems to remember who he was, what he looked like, or how he got there or even if he was driving a car. To this day we don't know. We think maybe Micah has a guardian angel who came and went. Somewhere out there is an angel who came to Micah's rescue that day. He may have saved Micah's life, only God knows how close he was to death. Kisses, hugs and loads of thanks to you Angel! And...keep watching over Micah and his little brother Logan. :)
I was in a meeting when Margaret came and told me I had an emergency phone call. I imagined it was something to do with Chick because of his ill health. I walked briskly to the telephone and heard, "I have some bad news for you". My ears strained to hear the news, my eyes blurred out of focus, and my heart beat like a hummingbirds wings. My mind was screaming, "Get it out". Chick said Micah and Holly had been in a bad car wreck and Micah was being rushed to Children's hospital. He was calm as he told me but his voice broke when he said the extent of Micah's injuries were not known. His head was stapled on the side and the back and he possibly had a broken neck or back, and some internal injuries. I heard myself say, "I'll be right there". Margaret had my purse ready for me and I grabbed it and rushed out to the parking lot on trembling, weak knees that I hoped would carry me to the car. Margaret had offered to drive me to the hospital but I wanted to be alone with my thoughts and prayers as I sped towards the hospital in Allen, Texas. It was raining. I drove down central expressway with my windshield wipers methodically sweeping away the huge raindrops that splattered the windshield as I prayed for God to protect my little one and my daughter whom I knew was under the influence of pain pills or some type of drug.
She had been driving to the hospital to get some pain pills instead of going to her meeting with the pastor for counseling. She talked my mom into letting her take Micah with her because he wanted to be with his mommy. On their way a big SUV drove right into the side where Micah sat in his carseat slinging him out of the seat onto something, either a stroller that was in the floor or something else. We heard he was thrown from the car, but the story was never straight. The glass shattered all over his little body and he was covered in it. Out of the blue someone appeared and scooped Micah up running with him to the Emergency Room of the Presbyterian Hospital where our daughter had been heading for her own needs.
We were grateful to this person. Later I asked the girl at the desk in the ER if she knew who it was so we could offer our thanks to him and she said, "No, he ran into the hospital ER and handed Micah to the medical crew and left never giving his name. No one seems to remember who he was, what he looked like, or how he got there or even if he was driving a car. To this day we don't know. We think maybe Micah has a guardian angel who came and went. Somewhere out there is an angel who came to Micah's rescue that day. He may have saved Micah's life, only God knows how close he was to death. Kisses, hugs and loads of thanks to you Angel! And...keep watching over Micah and his little brother Logan. :)
Praise the Lord for sending Micah a guardian angel that day! I am so thankful.
Angie, at 10:07 PM
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