
Thursday, June 09, 2005

Sunny Day

Today was a good day.


  • really?

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:15 PM  

  • Absolutely!!!!!

    By Blogger Sasebone, at 5:05 PM  

  • Well Hello there SiverFox!
    I just got back from Sonic today...we all had breakfast toaster sandwiches...hmmmm good. Miss you being here today. You will be the moderater for the blog. That means that all the rest of the family can respond or comment to whatever topics you bring up. Remember that you are the one that post all the topics for discussion or feedback. It is really fun and you can check it anywhere. Once it catches on, the whole clan will be checking it everyday for any topics or updates. All they have to do is just click on the comments and then just type away.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 7:25 AM  

  • I see, I think! Time will tell if I'm a smartie or a dumbie or is that dumb-e? Or dum-dum

    By Blogger Sasebone, at 9:08 AM  

  • I guess I really am not a dummie afterall! It caught on with my daughter who is not afraid of the computer and like her mom, loves to give opinions and express herself! Thanks again Larry, this is fun whether you get comments or not, but more fun when people respond which you always do. Now, I'm waiting for my other family to tune in!

    By Blogger Sasebone, at 3:33 AM  

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