If Cars Had Elbows...
I was pondering yesterday while navigating the traffic and being cut off from "rude" drivers. I hate to call them drivers they don't drive they just put the car in gear and push the gas pedal to the floor. People are no longer humans, they become a part of their cars - - the car and the personage merge into huautos, and the brain does on auto-pilot.
My personal observations are as follows: people see a possible car length in front of you and they elbow their way around you to get one car length ahead. Then, if you need to make a turn (hold on to your hats, lock in your neck, and pull in your butt) because your vehicle (and you) may get whammed in the rear while making that turn. Tempers flare if you slow down unless a traffic cop is hiding in the shadows of the overpass, then they are thankful to the driver who follows the speed zones.
Does anyone ever stop to think that the space between them and a car or truck out of control is less than 5 inches on the sides, 2 foot on the back and about the same on the front of the car and it will not stop until you are dead or injured? That's not much protection and we are not Batman and our vehicles are not the Batmobile!
I can tell I'm getting old when I think about the days of horses and buggy's, and the klippety klopping along at a snail's pace. A little water and a little hay is all you had to provide plus a new wagon wheel now and then.
Also, you must be afraid, very, very afraid, to make eye contact with the driver who is sitting beside you or they might shoot you for looking at them. You must never, never, never, give them the high sign or for sure they will terminate you for being angry. Listen to "Road Rage" music that calms the spirits and makes you feel sleepy, very, very sleepy...
My goal is to get home in one piece every evening. But I feel bruised from all the elbows on those OTHER cars.
I was pondering yesterday while navigating the traffic and being cut off from "rude" drivers. I hate to call them drivers they don't drive they just put the car in gear and push the gas pedal to the floor. People are no longer humans, they become a part of their cars - - the car and the personage merge into huautos, and the brain does on auto-pilot.
My personal observations are as follows: people see a possible car length in front of you and they elbow their way around you to get one car length ahead. Then, if you need to make a turn (hold on to your hats, lock in your neck, and pull in your butt) because your vehicle (and you) may get whammed in the rear while making that turn. Tempers flare if you slow down unless a traffic cop is hiding in the shadows of the overpass, then they are thankful to the driver who follows the speed zones.
Does anyone ever stop to think that the space between them and a car or truck out of control is less than 5 inches on the sides, 2 foot on the back and about the same on the front of the car and it will not stop until you are dead or injured? That's not much protection and we are not Batman and our vehicles are not the Batmobile!
I can tell I'm getting old when I think about the days of horses and buggy's, and the klippety klopping along at a snail's pace. A little water and a little hay is all you had to provide plus a new wagon wheel now and then.
Also, you must be afraid, very, very afraid, to make eye contact with the driver who is sitting beside you or they might shoot you for looking at them. You must never, never, never, give them the high sign or for sure they will terminate you for being angry. Listen to "Road Rage" music that calms the spirits and makes you feel sleepy, very, very sleepy...
My goal is to get home in one piece every evening. But I feel bruised from all the elbows on those OTHER cars.
And you wonder why I don't drive very much!
Angie, at 1:45 PM
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