
Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Two Christmas Turkeys


Yesterday I thought we were through with turkeys, but I encountered a couple of them at Linens and Things. Let me go back to the beginning of this story.

Read my last year’s blog (January 2006) to see what happened to my former tree and you’ll see why I was out searching for one in the first place.

We had a pleasant day at my daughter’s for Thanksgiving this year. She, her husband Bill, and my granddaughter, Ashley prepared the meal. All we had to do was get there and eat…which we did. My plan for the rest of the week was to get a Christmas tree advertised at 50% off $199.00 - - pre-lit, remote control, the works. Okay also there was a coupon for an additional 20% off. The catch: 2 days only, Friday and Saturday. I woke up Friday sick as a mule (as they say) with diarrhea and nausea. This lasted all day. I couldn’t leave the room with the john in it. How long will it last? I figured no more than 24 hours.

Saturday arrived with me feeling like I fell off the house and I still was very ill and me and john were best pals. Look out! Here I come again! I finally took Childrens Imodium I bought for the boys last year. It held! I left the house and ran to the local Linens and Things. Problem one: I was at Bed, Bath and Beyond. I called my neighbor who said go across the highway and there you will find it. I did!

A woman and man got out of their car at the same time I did. She couldn’t find the way into the store, I pointed her the way. I grabbed a cart on the way in and found the one box left with the advertised Christmas trees. The box had a sign on it advertising the 50% off. I thought it was an empty box the floor model had been in. I turned and the man was taking my cart. He said, “Is this your cart?” I said, “Yes” and took it back (smiling, nice though). Then I went to the store clerk to follow protocol and ask if I could have the floor model when I turned back I saw the man and woman tackling the box and loading it in their cart. I went back to them and told them I was asking the store clerk if I could have the floor model and they just put their cart in high gear and sped away. I rushed up to the assistant at the store and asked if there would be anymore trees and he said “NO, we had a 100 when we started.” And looked at me as though I should have gotten there on Friday. So much for good customer service!

I went to my car and sat. I was upset at the turkeys who got my tree, and at my timing. I’m always a day late and a dollar short – always!

After I sat there and decided there must have been a reason for the timing to be off. Perhaps the lights wouldn’t work on the tree they gobbled up before me. Then I got this little devilish smile and even wished the tree lights wouldn't work after they got it up. They were snotty acting and I wanted to point her the way again but not with the nice finger. Oh well!

Not to be out-done, I called the phone number listed on the coupon and found out they had a store in Plano. I rushed there and found my tree. The 20% off didn’t work for me as this was a store buster item, so I still paid more than I wanted too, but my sister-in-law and niece gave our family $100 and told me to use it anyway I wanted to. The looks on the boys faces when I plugged the tree lights in was worth all the trouble I went to. We didn’t need Christmas lights. Light seemed to reflect off the beauty of our boys faces when they stated decorating the tree.

Micah said, “Memaw this is my favorite time of the year, especially the music, the tree, and the feeling of Christmas!” God, I thank you for the spirit of the season. Joyce and Cynthia, I thank you for the early Christmas present. It is the gift that will keep on giving for years to come.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Oh no, my dog ate chocolate!

The list I received from the former master of our dog Molly, listed onions and chocolate as being poison to dogs. Okay, so when would a dog get the opportunity to eat onions and I’m thinking “What dog would be stupid enough to desire something poison”? So, I’m about to find out.

The boys and I came home from the store and Chick greeted us with, “Guess we’re about to find out if chocolate poisons dogs”! I said, “Why”? Molly, our dog, was curious and got into the Halloween bags and ate a couple of snickers bars. She was smiling at me like she really enjoyed it, and I’m thinking this dog is ill!!!!! I thought and thought, “What can I do? It’s late. I can’t get in touch with a veterinarian at this hour.” I go to the Internet and pull up Not much help, but then I didn’t ask the right question so I ask it in a more comprehensive sentence (Will my dog die from eating chocolate) and up comes several answers about dogs eating chocolate.

One guy states his grandmother gave her doggy a chocolate bar as a treat every day and the dog lived to be 15 years old and didn’t die from eating chocolate - - it died from being hit by a car. Another person states their dog S _ _ t its brains out, and yet another stated the dog ate all the brownies and did get sick, but only for a night…diarrhea! I watched the dog, she was smiling. She was sniffing around for more Halloween candy. She was going to die happy!

So, I stared at her most of the night. It’s not enough I have two little boys to care for, now we have a dog too, and the boys are asking for another dog to keep Molly company when we’re not here. Oh deliver me! Anyway, Molly lays there on my bed at 10:00 p.m. and looks at me. She’s thinking, “Why am I so popular all of a sudden?” Finally at 11:00 p.m. I feel comfortable enough to go to sleep. I look up when I feel whiskers, and they’re not my husband’s whiskers. They are Molly whiskers and she’s looking me eyeball to eyeball - - I say “Lay down Molly, I’m sleepy”. She won’t, she shoves her face into mine and looks at me with this stern look. I remember! She ATE CHOCOLATE!!!! She is about to S _ _t her brains out! My feet hit the floor running and her in front of me galloping to the door. I hook her up to her leash and she flies out and squats. The chocolate crisis is over…for now!