
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A Hard Day's Night

I heard it! The mildest of a little bitty cough. Then the flushed face - - Logan has a cold! I noticed it Sunday afternoon, but thought perhaps it was just a little cough that would go away, but NO, it is now a full fledged cold. To prepare for Monday night I ran to the pharmacy to get Motrin and Tylenol remembering high temperatures usually come during the night. I also had the pharmacist come and find something for the other symptom, a snuffed up nose! Micah was complaining of a bit of a scratchy throat so cough lozenges for a scratchy throat into the basket you go... Okay, Pawpaw was complaining of feeling a cold coming on, all the symptoms combined plus a tummy ache. Let's see now, let me check my list before I leave CVS pharmacy: throat lozenges, Motrin, Tylenol, melting strips for the stuffy nose,Alka Seltzer for colds for Pawpaw, Puffs to blow the noses... Have I forgotten anything? Nope, I'm good to go. I have everything for the long night ahead. I'm so proud of me!

I made Micah read his book from school, fed the boys, gave baths, Logan has already gone to sleep (check the temperature - - 102.7) now it's time to go into action. Motrin for the fever, a melting strip for the nose, a glass of 7-up to make the medicine go down (used to be sugar according to Mary Poppins). Hurry all, we must grab some ZZZZZZZ's before morning. Classical music playing, dog has been out to do her thing, now settle in. Ahhhh, it all went smoothly.

2:00 a.m. the light comes on. Pawpaw says Logan burning up with fever and he can't find the Tylenol. I tell him exactly where it is, and get up to check the fever. It's only 99 degrees. We give him Tylenol, a drink and comfort him and then back to bed. Now the dog opens the door and jumps in bed with me and Micah. Okay, I let her stay. She decides it's time to clean her paws for what seems hours. The classical music sounds like hard rock at this hour of the morning. I look at the clock - - 3 a.m. We still have time for some good sleep. Head hits the pillow. ZZZZZZZ's - - the door opens and here comes Logan wanting in the bed with me. I told him there is a dog and a boy already in my bed so go back to Pawpaw. Okay, he goes. It is now 3:20 a.m. ZZZZZZZZZZ's, then a tug on my arm. Logan says his shirt is wet. I reach and feel nothing, he pulls the shirt off insisting it is wet, and demands another top. I get up. I find a shirt, not the right texture or color so I find one that is comfy and he allows me to put it on. Oh Lord, why did he go to sleep so early last night? Now he is singing and wanting in bed with me no matter what. Micah gets up and stumbles to Pawpaw. Logan and the dog settle in for a long winter's nap. I punch the classical music to OFF. I look at the clock - - 4:30 a.m. Perhaps we can go back to sleep soon. Slumber, sweet slumber when BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! It's 7 a.m. and time to get up. Did I ever go to bed?